Today was pretty amazing. We went to Denver to meet up with R's mother for dinner to exchange presents since she is going out of town for Christmas. But first we went and did something I have wanted to do since June. We went to visit the Titanic exhibit at Denver Museum.
It's hard to put into words how you feel when you see something like that. For starters it's just such an amazing piece of history and to get to touch it is incredible. I mean literally touch it, they had an actual piece of the hull we were allowed to touch. Not to mention that in one room they had created a genuine iceburg that you could touch too. Seeing all the antique artifacts of a more refined time and knowing that they had been under water for 80 years and surivived to tell this story is also an amazing feeling. But for me at least there is a slight sense of wrongness to being able to see it as well because ultimately it came from a grave. Maybe it's just the superstitious celtic side of my nature but whether you are doing it in the name of earning money by looting or archaeology in the name of sharing history you have still disturbed a place of tragedy where so very many people lost their lives.
They had the most darling little man in a ruby red bowler and suit who was greeting the passengers. We had been given boarding passes with people's bio's that we were supposed to be. I was Madeline Astor, and he was so adorable, he greeted me with the respect a woman of her stature would have received and congratulated me on my new marriage and pregnancy! It was very funny. Upon first seeing the things on display I got chills. The entire thing was just incredible, beautiful and so very heart wrenchingly sad. I wouldn't have missed it for the world!
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