R arrived home yesterday, safe and sound and happy to be here I think. He enjoyed his stay in Germany, and showed me the pictures he took. I must admit I was jealous when I saw the pics from the Pergamon Museum. I had seen many of things they have there on History Channel and have dreamed of seeing them. He even got to touch them. I love ancient history so. But I must say I am impressed that he went to a museum. I think he liked the Ishtar gate best.
He brought me home something very special too, I had seen a Berlin exclusive Steiff and this man of mine went all the way to West Berlin to get me one from the only store that sells it. He picked one with a perfect face too! I was so touched, I don't know if he even realized how much. He has never been the sort of guy to bring me lots of presents, so this was HUGE. I had another very special compliment when I asked him teasingly if the fraulines were pretty and he replied quite earnestly that he didn't really notice.
My parents left Friday morning and made it back home in a blizzard. They told me some pretty scary tales of cars and trucks going off the road. So I was happy to hear they made it home alright.
Left to my own devices for two days I decided to go see the Water Horse. I had to see it, since I love Nessie so much! The movie didn't diassapoint either. It was of course a fantasy but it was quite fun. I had a nagging feeling all day that I should stop at the pet store on the way home. I came home with a little scrap of overpriced fur (shown above) that is akin to a spider monkey. I have never had a kitten so ambitious! She is adorable though and has already taken over. Gypsy and Basil have nearly forgiven me, but Gyps took it the hardest because she loves her Mama so and I betrayed her. *Laughs*
The snow is falling gently outside and it's time for me to get busy and do things inside! I need to eat lunch, do some laundry and some work. As I look around, I know that home truly is where the heart is!
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