Here it is Valentines Day already. This year is flying by! R will be back from his trip this morning and then we are going to spend the day together. I am so happy he is coming back. I think he is too, it sounds like it was a long tiring trip for him.
I really love Valentines Day. I have always had a great fondness for hearts and romance...and pink of course!

I have received a little extra love this year too! My vintage pin was featured in a treasury by LAS Pottery which you can see here:
Full Moon Fever Treasury

And a treasury by avidhunter3! You can visit that treasury here:
Fly Away Home Treasury
Also Janet from It's an Evolution did a blog post about her adorable Valentine Tree and she included a pic of my velvet strawberry heart ornament which she got from me on Etsy! She has a lovely blog, be sure and check it out here:
It's an Evolution Blog
I have lots more to blog about...but I've been much like the white rabbit all week, and as usual I'm late...I'm late for a very important date!
I hope you all have a wonderful Valentines Day filled with all the love you can bear!
Happy Valentine's Day! Have fun with your sweetie.
Fabulous web site, love your craft creations.. gorgeous, I have followed you.. hope thats ok. Sarah x
Thank you!
Of course it's ok Sarah, nice to have you join me. I followed you in return. =)
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