L'amour....l'amour! My goodness what a good day I had yesterday! For once my life was rather fairytale like. I slept late, and when I got up I was going to head to the store. While I was getting ready the doorbell rang. I didn't bother to answer it because I saw the UPS truck and knew it was the book I had ordered so I finished what I was doin before I went up to get it. Imagine my surprise when on the doorstep was a long green box. I saw that it was flowers and at first I thought it had been misdelivered. When I picked it up I saw that it had my name on it!!!
I thought maybe they were from my Mother or perhaps even some secret admirer...but no, they were from R! I wasn't even expecting anything at all because he had so generously bought me the pink laptop that I am typing one right now. So when I discovered a box with red roses in a vase and a heart shaped box of chocolates I about fainted! He usually brings me a single red rose or even sometimes a whole bouqet but they are always from the grocery store. Now mind you I am not complaining, many women don't get a thing. But I just wasn't expecting anything so extravagant! I wasn't expecting anything except maybe a card. I must say I have gotten a lot of presents this year from him, the laptop, the Steiff from Berlin and now this! I think I am positively spoiled! So tonight it will be my turn, I am cooking him a nice dinner, and a little later in the month I am going to get his present as well. I had to postpone it a bit...but he understands why.
I went on to do my shopping and everyone was so pleasant yesterday. It was so refreshing to see. Love must simply be permeating the air! People seem drawn to me in public anyway, although I've never really figured out why. The only damper on my fairytale day was that I jammed my toe so hard when I put the grocry cart back (You better be putting those back, if you can spend an hour in the store you can take 20 seconds to use the cart return. It's a pet peeve!) that I think I may have broken it. But even that hasn't slowed me down. I hope today is just as good!
I hope all of you have a lovely day filled with love and loved ones and may you all be spoiled too! Happy hearts day!
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