I snapped a quick pic of the second Mermaid Box, it's 4 3/4 X 7 and made of wood. The box has been hand painted with shades of white, blue, green and muted yellow to reflect the colors of a warm carribean sea. It has blue glass ball glitter around the sides, and white shells on the top scattered among blue glass "water droplets," pearls, green glittery "sand," and tulle "seaweed." When I get ready to open my Etsy shop I will take better pics, because these really don't do them justice!
I also have three new bracelets done; but I don't have photos taken yet. They are the Dictomy bracelet, the Rainforest bracelet and the Jezebel bracelet. I should have photos of them up soon! I am off to work on a bear!
This is totally charming!!
Love the idea behind it and your blog too :)
Thank you for visiting mine and for leaving a comment, I'll be very happy to link you too!
I checked my mailinglist and looks like you are pending. Maybe the confirmation email went into your Spam folder...
Thank you Gaia! Sadly it's not in my spam folder, I checked there first.
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