One of our local news stations has a thing on their website where people can upload pictures of their pets. If they get enough votes as best picture they put them on the early morning news. So I submitted the picture of Gypsy above. She isn't running for office, or making any campaign promises, but you have to admit she sure is darn cute...and slightly weird. You can vote for her by clicking the link below. I think that Gypsy and that picture deserves 15 seconds of fame...now don't you! *grins*
The box to vote is under the picture slightly to the right.
Click Here To Vote
I voted for Gypsy because she is awfully cute BUT especially because she isn't making any campaign promises or running for office. This means she's not just cute, but trustworthy! Good luck!
I am happy to say she has never told a lie! lol Thank you for taking time to vote!
I voted yesterday but got sidetracked and didn't come back to tell you :D I did think she deserved the vote too.
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